{Noble Living}
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self”
~ Ernest Hemmingway
What do you consider to be “yourself”? (In order to accurately identify those aspects which make up “yourself”, one has to imagine themselves in total isolation. Then objectively look at what is left. And in “what is left”, you will find, in truth, what is “yourself”)
Most people arrive at “self” consisting of their body and mind.
The abstract types arrive at “I am love” or “I am desire”.
Both sides hold truth, to a limited degree.
Yes, feelings such as love and desire still occur.
Yes, the body and mind are the only tools which remain upon isolating the human being from his external pleasures of luxury and family.
In fact, the notion of “self” being body and mind is closer to the truth. Given the fleeting nature of your experience of love and desire. One second you are at the peak of “love” then plunge to the depths of despair once the temperature changes.
Something close to the true nature of who you are cannot be as inconsistent as emotions.
For you must see, through observing your own experience – that along with the emotion you feel there is also something which is aware of that feeling. Something that observes the feeling and then labels it.
And you must see, through observing your own experience of body and mind – that there is something which dictates the movement of your body and also perceives the condition of your mind. That something which points out the headache but isn’t the headache itself.
The “truth” is you are “that something”, which influences the activity of body and mind. You are “that something”, which experiences love and desire.
For the remainder of this article we will refer to “that something” as “the space”.
You are “the space”.
Noble living is concerned with cultivating an awareness of “the space” .
Noble living is concerned with providing a pleasant atmosphere for “the space”.
In order to cultivate awareness – the obstacles which make being aware difficult, must be removed.
Of obstacles which hinder your ability to to be aware of “the space”. If “the space” seems too abstract of an idea for you to ponder, simply imagine a boundless empty space.
What detracts from you remaining in total awareness of “the space”?
A sensation of the body and the experience of a new thought distract from being in total awareness of “the space”.
Leading us to why meditation is an inherent part of Noble Living.
For our current purposes we will continue to stay in line with Oxford Libraries definitions. However, in time we hope you discover the true meaning of meditation.
Meditation - the act or practice of meditating.
Meditating - gerund or present participle of meditate.
Meditate - to think deeply or focus one’s mind for a period of time, in silence, as a method of relaxation.
{A state in which you become | Practice is simply imitation, until}
Focusing the mind for a period of time – in silence – on nothingness – allows for awareness of “the space” to take place. Because only while in meditation can you experience the separation between a thought and “the space” it flows through. Only while in meditation can you experience separation between “the space” and the body which is tethered to it.
Experience of the separation is important because the separation, in itself, is “the space”. Only in the experience of the separation between your thoughts and body — can you become aware of “the space” that influences the activity of mind and body.
{Only in the separation can you experience the true rise and fall of the emotion, love}
You have to in fact experience something in order to be truly aware of it.
You may have heard that some unfortunate people starve but unless you have actually experienced going without food you do not know what starvation is. You simply know the experience of hearing that people starve.
So, meditation is an essential aspect of Noble Living. It is the greatest tool to experience “the space”. To cultivate an awareness of “the space”. And to begin to know about “the space”.
{Noble are those who serve “the space” within}
In order for an atmosphere to be pleasant, it must be conducive for vitality and ease.
Vitality - the state of being strong and activity; energy.
Ease - absence of difficulty or effort.
Since body and mind make up the atmosphere for “the space”; body and mind must be kept in a state that allows for vitality and ease.
An energetic yet calm body is a healthy body.
An active yet quiet mind is a healthy mind.
Be healthy.
At least try your best.
In subsequent articles we will share various disciplines, practices, and lifestyles conducive for Noble Living.
Noble Living - A way of living conducive for vitality and ease, allowing for experience of “the space”.